Number 10

Sea monster attack  a few years ago scottish engineers  discovered the wreckage of a german  submarine from world war one sitting at  the bottom of the ocean while they were  laying undersea power lines it turns out  this mysterious submarine wreck may just  be the notorious ub-85  the german u-boat that was attacked by a  sea monster  as outrageous as that sounds the story  has been going around for over 100 years  it started on april 30th 1918 when  captain kresh and his crew were captured  by the hms coropsis a british warship  the british thought it was strange that  they had captured the submarine crew so  easily when they began to interrogate  the germans they told the british that  their submarine couldn't dive because it  had sustained serious damage when  attacked by a beast from the bottom of  the ocean  according to the eyewitness reports the  mysterious monster had horns huge teeth  and evil eyes the creature was so big  that when it climbed onto the side of  the submarine the vessel tilted and  nearly flipped upside down the creature  took chunks out of their forward gun  with its teeth scratched up the side of  their vessel and forced the crew to  abandon ship and surrender to the  british  but just how much of this story is true  the submarine definitely existed these  people were certainly captured and the  wreckage is still at the bottom of the  ocean  however unless somebody dives down and  checks out the hull of the submarine  will never know if it does indeed have  claw marks from some kind of terrible  monster.


Number 9

The asaro mudman in  the highlands of papua new guinea one of  the most primitive frontiers on earth  there is an ancient tribe of people  known as the asaro mud men they are  still living life as if in the stone age  with almost no contact with the outside  world  there are about 90 tribes living in the  area but the asaro are arguably the most  terrifying they practice a bizarre form  of psychological warfare in which they  cover their bodies with mud and put on  scary clay masks with demonic faces  painted on them to scare their enemies  the origin of their horrifying  appearance is unknown some say they've  been doing this for centuries  it all started when the asaro warriors  were forced to retreat during a battle  and hide in a river they all held their  breath and covered themselves with mud  and clay from the bottom when they felt  the coast was clear they emerged from  the river at night and tried to run the  enemy caught up to them but when they  saw their pale white bodies they thought  they were evil spirits from the forest  and were so afraid they ran away  and so began the tradition for the isaro  to dress up like ghosts to terrify their  enemies  others say the mud came about because of  tribal fights in the 1800s with warriors  wearing the spooky disguises to hide  their identities when assassinating  people they would also cover themselves  with mud and wear their scary masks and  bamboo fingernails to sneak around and  scare the daylights out of their victims.


Number 8.

Parachuting dogs  during world war ii there was an entire  regiment of parachute dogs these brave  animals even fought during d-day  alongside the allies before this dogs  were used quite frequently during the  war  dogs were used as scouts and were  trained to stay calm around loud noises  like aircraft propellers and gunshots  and could sniff out explosives but these  dogs specifically were trained to wear  parachutes and jump out of airplanes and  after a while they didn't even seem to  mind  there are three dogs whose stories have  carried on even today they are rainy  bing and glenn being survived world war  ii and was awarded with the dick and  metal the animal version of the victoria  cross when he died in 1955 the veteran  parachuting dog was buried in a cemetery  in the northeast of london and given  full animal honors there is also a  replica of him at the parachute regiment  and airborne forces museum in duxford  the other dogs were not so lucky glenn  died on d-day while fighting with his  handler emil cortell they are buried  together in the commonwealth war grave  cemetery the final dog rainey was the  only female parachuting dog who fought  during the war a german shepherd who  battled bravely but unfortunately lost  her life.

Number 7. 

Nazi breeding program  The lebensborn were the result of a  secret nazi breeding program that lasted  from between 1935 and 1945 part of a  plan to design racially pure children  that could be used by hitler's third  reich it was quite horrifying with the  program encouraging fit women who were  racially correct in the eyes of the  nazis to bear children that encourage  aryan ideals the program had special  birthing facilities secret identities  and they even stole over an estimated  200 000 children  but the program came around even before  world war ii broke out it started in the  first world war when the male population  of germany fell into a sharp decline  because of all the casualties when  hitler came to power in 1933 he needed  more men in 1935 heinrich himmler came  up with the idea that to dissuade women  from getting abortions if they had  racially pure german children they could  simply hand them over to the state and  they would take care of them  but things only got worse as more and  more soldiers were killed there was a  systematic need for more healthy  fighting men and so the experiment went  a bit out of control with the germans  moving to kidnapping and stealing kids  from orphanages to add them to their  ranks  the child napping mania went on and on  until the war finally ended resulting in  a whole lot of orphans and confused  children who didn't know who their  parents were  another sad reminder of other damages  that war can bring.

Number 6.

The great emu war was a very real war  fought by australian soldiers it  happened in the years between world war  one and world war ii  the australian government was having a  difficult time finding things for their  veterans to do when they got home there  was a soldier settlement scheme that  started in 1915 in which soldiers were  given plots of land to farm  this worked out for about 5 000 soldiers  who went on to cultivate wheat and sheep  and became farmers however by 1920 the  government had purchased a whopping 90  000 acres of land and still had more  veterans that needed things to do  so they started giving them land in  pretty crummy areas like in the middle  of the desert where it was a nightmare  to try and farm anything to make things  worse the great depression hit in 1929  and the farmers found themselves in  trouble  but here's where the emus came into play  there were tens of thousands of them  living in west australia and the  soldiers had basically stolen their  territory they were a protected species  until 1922 when they were causing such  problems for the farmers that they were  reclassified as vermin that's a pretty  big switch  so seeing as these guys used to be  soldiers they got to work trying to get  rid of them the australian military was  also called in to fight the rampaging  birds and it was a disaster the army  used over 2500 rounds of ammunition  military vehicles and everything else  but they only managed to kill 200 emus  in the first few battles  it became such an expensive and useless  effort that the troops were recalled and  the emus were declared the winners of  the war.

Number 5.

Wartime aliens it was  november of 1944 near the end of world  war ii when the airmen of the 415th  night fighter squadron found themselves  facing off against aliens lieutenant  fred ringwald was the first one to see  the unidentified flying objects he was  an observer for his pilot lieutenant ed  schluter they were flying across the  rhine valley along the border of france  in germany when ringwald saw the lights  there were about 10 of them in a row  glowing orange the ground radar  registered nothing it was quite strange  because the airmen could see the lights  playing as day but the radar was  detecting nothing  just when they thought the lights were  something natural playing a trick on  them they formed a t-shape and followed  their plane at 1 000 feet before  mysteriously vanishing  weeks later on december 22nd two more  flight crews saw the exact same thing  the unidentified flying objects were  bright orange and were seen rising from  the surface to ten thousand feet in the  air the lights would then vanish then  appear in a new spot and then vanish  again  these objects have never been officially  identified and there were more sightings  of them all the way into january  some say they were flares some say  weather balloons but others are  convinced it was aliens.

Number 4.

Vietnamese ghosts  while some were dealing with aliens  soldiers during the vietnam war  stationed in saigon had to deal with  ghosts  the building at 727 tran hang dao in  modern ho chi minh city was used as a  housing unit for american soldiers  during a large portion of the war but  the story of the ghost goes back to its  original construction  it's been said that many of the workers  building it died and that their spirits  never left the locals blamed the number  of floors for the deaths of the workers  since the building had 13 floors and 13  is an unlucky number  amazingly the architect who designed the  building called in a shaman to get rid  of the ghosts and evil spirits that were  allegedly haunting it the shaman brought  with him the corpses of four dead  virgins and then buried one at each of  the four corners this was obviously a  terrible idea because if the workers  weren't haunting the place the dead  virgins now were  during the war soldiers reported hearing  screams in the middle of the night and  seeing apparitions  even today people who live in the  building say they sometimes see the  ghost of an american soldier walking  through the halls with his dead  vietnamese girlfriend.


Number 3.

The meth nazis  the nazis were the first ones to use  massive amounts of methamphetamines to  create super soldiers in fact world war  ii according to lester grinspoon who  wrote a book in 1975 about this horrible  drug was what started the black market  abuse of speed pills on a global scale  it's true that japanese american and  british soldiers all ate huge amounts of  amphetamines to stay alert during the  brutal fighting but it was the germans  who did it the most enthusiastically  encouraging their soldiers to pop pills  like candy throughout all the phases of  the war this is crazy because in nazi  ideology drugs were a huge no-no  drugs were considered to be proof of a  person's weakness and if they were used  in the country it was a sign of moral  decay  but it was also a key part of their  strategy they had no problem peddling  the drug and it was given to soldiers to  make them extremely alert and vigilant  they gave the excuse that it was  perfectly fine for the soldiers of  germany to use because it made strong  people even stronger hitler also said  other drugs like opium were for weak  people to escape reality  meth hit the scene big time in germany  in 1937 under the brand name perverton  you didn't even need to have a  prescription to buy it meaning you could  walk into a drugstore and get a box of  chocolates that had drugs injected into  them it became not only a huge problem  for the soldiers who got addicted to it  but also for much of germany with the  civilians at home consuming massive  amounts of what was basically meth  when the germans invaded poland in  september of 1939 killing over 100 000  polish soldiers in the brutal attack  they did so on industrial strength speed.


Number 2.

Human trophies there is a dark side of  american history that nobody wants to  talk about and is kind of disturbing did  you know that after the attack on pearl  harbor propaganda began to spread that  japanese people were evil sub-humans  when soldiers were sent out to fight  they began practicing some barbaric  rituals  soldiers started to take body parts of  the kill japanese as war trophies the  truth is that when the bodies of  japanese soldiers were returned to their  homeland to be buried over half of them  arrived back in japan without their  heads as was revealed later the heads  had been stolen by american soldiers and  kept as morbid war trophies in the  jungles and islands of the pacific the  soldiers would keep the skulls to use as  warning signs or as creepy decorations  around camps some would mail the parts  home to the families as a form of  revenge or psychological warfare showing  that they were not afraid it became such  a massive problem that the military had  to expressly forbid it but it still  happened throughout the duration of the  war in a photo published in the may 22  1944 issue of life magazine there is a  woman sitting by a skull she was a war  worker and had gone home so as a gift  her lieutenant and 13 friends sent her a  skull with their autographs on it they  had written this is a good a dead  one picked up on the new guinea beach as  life magazine reported natalie surprised  at the gift named it tojo the armed  forces disapproved strongly of this sort  of thing even today there are still  efforts to return trophies like this to  their proper resting place.

Number 1. 

The fugo  balloon bomb is a little-known secret  weapon that was developed by the  japanese in world war ii  the bomb was nothing more than a  hydrogen balloon carrying an  anti-personnel bomb and an incendiary  bomb the balloons were designed as  extremely cheap weapons that would coast  effortlessly along the jet stream  traveling over the pacific ocean where  they would eventually burst and fall on  major american cities  it was the only thing the japanese could  figure out to actually strike at the  american continent even though these  bombs were a huge failure they are still  considered to be the first  intercontinental weapons at the time  these were the longest ranged attacks  ever made in war history fortunately for  the united states the bombs didn't work  because of the unpredictability of the  weather the balloons would get lost they  would explode before they ever made it  to america and none of the u.s cities  were ever decimated in the way japan had  hoped.

Thanks for reading what's your favorite  weird war story let me know in the  comments below and don't forget to share and come back soon  for another post.