Number 10. 

Head on a spike  construction workers got the shock of a  lifetime in sweden when they found some  skulls in a peat bog that had been  smashed but it wasn't recent the bones  date back to the stone age and there was  a lot more to this disturbing discovery  than meets the eye  when a new railway line was to be  constructed for freight trains moving  through the area construction workers  uncovered the grisly remains and called  in the archaeologists they have now  turned up not only smashed heads but  heads on skewers and also fragments from  animals and tools made from bone and  horn  the human heads found skewered on some  poles and a pile of rocks was kind of  reminiscent of ivan the terrible but 8  000 years ago this place used to be a  pond and over time the pond turned into  a peat marsh frederick hallgreen the  project leader for the excavation said  all signs point to some kind of strange  ritual activity going on here with the  stone age people these skulls were  detached from the bodies put on spikes  and then buried with great care  archaeologists found the skulls of 10  people in the boggy sediment which marks  the first evidence of mesolithic  hunter-gatherers mounting human skulls  on stakes some of these skulls show  signs of trauma but then the injuries  showed signs of healing after they had  gotten hit in the head someone had taken  care of them but how their heads ended  up on stakes is unclear  swedish forensic scientists are working  on reconstructing the faces and clothing  of some of these people to see what they  might have looked like so long ago  even stranger is that the bodies were  buried underneath a burial mound which  they didn't really use in sweden until  way later in the iron age then only  until the end of the viking era  nobody can understand why these stone  age citizens who had likely been hunters  and gatherers had gone through all the  trouble of creating complex burial  mounds and then go and impale some heads  on some poles it's all very confusing.

Number 9. 

Aztec slaughter archaeologists  working in mexico have recovered the  ghoulish remains of spaniards murdered  by the aztecs the story is one of the  most brutal where both sides committed  horrible crimes the aztecs captured a  convoy of spaniards traveling with a  group of several hundred indigenous  allies the aztecs captured the entire  convoy and then cannibalize them  literally gnawing on the flesh of the  spanish invaders and their treacherous  allies in response hernan cortes  massacred a group of aztec women and  children  this isn't just a story either as it's  backed up by archaeological evidence  researchers have discovered proof that  over the course of eight months the  spanish and their allies were offered as  sacrifices to the aztec gods at the city  of tekowake archaeologists have found  the remains of male and female prisoners  who were strung up on racks had their  heads cut off and made part of aztec  skull towers bone analysis even showed  that some of these spanish women had  been sacrificed while pregnant as the  aztecs made sacrifices to their blood  thirsty gods the catholic spaniards  looked upon this as an offense against  god himself and vowed to defeat these  people once and for all.

Number 8. 

Viking  slave graves a group of viking graves  recently discovered in norway has given  researchers a gruesome look into how  these seafaring warriors used to treat  their slaves the graves belonged to  slaves who had been beheaded and then  buried with their masters approximately  10 ancient people were discovered in  multiple graves with either two or three  bodies sharing a single plot analysis of  the human remains has shown that the  people who were buried without their  heads had eaten a very different diet  from those who weren't decapitated elise  naumann from the university of oslo says  that the beheaded people were slaves  offered as grave gifts to be buried  alongside prominent members of society  this explains why the diets were so  different now for the ugly part that  nobody wants to talk about the vikings  are often admired for being fierce  raiders from between around the year 700  to 1200 but the truth is that they were  also vicious killers who often stole  people from the places they raided and  kept them as slaves that's why everyone  was so afraid of them they're cool if  they're on your side if you're a monk  living in some monastery on the cliff  watching them come towards you then you  wouldn't be so excited to see them the  other side of the truth is that vikings  weren't actually just barbarians who  spent all their time plundering most of  them were ordinary farmers who relied on  the slaves brought back by their  warriors to keep their agricultural  gears turning and yes the vikings  treated their slaves like absolute  garbage thanks to these new burials now  we know that they even sacrificed slaves  and had them buried with their masters  to assist them beyond death.

Number 7.

Steak through the heart  the skeleton of a vampire has been  discovered in bulgaria with a stake  driven right through its heart the  skeleton was found in the ruins of an  ancient city by a local bulgarian  archaeologist the dead person died  sometime in his 40s or 50s and had  gotten a metal stake bashed through his  chest probably to prevent him from  rising from the dead even if this guy  wasn't really a vampire who feasted on  human flesh the locals most certainly  thought he was it was common practice in  medieval times to drive a metal spike  through a corpse to stop it from waking  up later and seeking revenge on the  living this most recent creepy discovery  was made by professor nikolai ofcharov  in the ruins of perparicon the city  itself was discovered around 20 years  ago and was originally inhabited 7 000  years ago in 5000 bc the city was once  home to the famous temple of dionysus  dedicated to the greek god of wine and  fertility but the city was also home to  several impressive fortresses a large  sanctuary and multiple dead vampires  other than just having the steak driven  through his heart this guy also had his  left leg amputated below the knee and  placed beside his body there were two  other graves like this discovered in  bulgaria in 2012 and 2013 though they  were at a different site and not at all  related as of right now researchers have  found roughly 100 vampire skeletons  throughout bulgaria making ancient  bulgaria a whole lot more paranormal  than the transylvanian region of romania  to the north. 

Number 6.

Mummy lake  mesa verde national park in colorado is  home to the most fascinating ancient  city anywhere in the united states of  america  this place was lived in 1 000 years ago  by the ancestral puebloans centuries  before christopher columbus ever landed  they built their city into the wall of a  great cliff carving their houses out of  the stone and then vanishing  mysteriously without leaving a trace but  a new discovery in the mesa verde park  has nothing to do with the city itself  but rather a lake that may have had a  scary association with ancient rituals  it's called mummy lake and it's a  circular pitch that archaeologists used  to think was a water reservoir for the  people living in the city it was not  held to hold water but rituals  more recent studies of the lake revealed  that what people used to think were  canals were actually ancient footpaths  that led to the lake from a few key  religious structures a shrine house and  a cliff palace between the years 900 and  1200 the locals may have been using the  lake in their religious ceremonies it  could have been used as a depository for  the dead or perhaps where sacrifices  were offered to the gods maybe even a  ball court scientists don't know exactly  what it was used for but it definitely  held great value to the puebloans.

Number  5.

Ancient brain surgery a case of  prehistoric surgery dating back 5 000  years has shocked scientists the  discovery came during excavations near a  small village in crimea anthropologists  working with the institute of  archaeology of the russian academy of  sciences uncovered the skull of a man  who had undergone cranial surgery at the  site of the excavations 18 burials were  discovered from between the bronze age  and the time that the scythians ruled  the region  the victim of the surgery was among  these remains and was in his 20s when he  died according to the researchers the  surgeon who had operated on him did so  with shocking precision the surgeon  scraped a huge area of bone away from  the rest of the skull leaving a thin  layer less than one millimeter thick  even more amazing is that the surgeon  had done this using stone instruments  imagine getting brain surgery and the  doctors are using stone tools this type  of operation is known as a treponation  and it probably killed him the bone  surface showed no signs of any healing  meaning the man probably died in the  days following the surgery the surgery  had likely been an attempt to relieve  serious headaches or cure some other  sort of affliction that remains unknown.

Number 4. 

Adidas boots mummy  an ancient mummy was discovered with a  pair of very old boots dated back over  1000 years this is one of the stranger  discoveries that's been made in recent  times the mummy was actually a mongolian  seamstress who was buried with four  changes of clothing a professional  sewing kit the head of a horse and the  head of a ram  she was also discovered wearing a fine  pair of boots that have been compared to  modern adidas shoes they're red and  stripey they're actually quite  fashionable despite their age and they  wouldn't even look that out of place on  someone's feet today archaeologists have  no way of knowing exactly who this woman  was during her life but she was probably  the ancient equivalent of a high-end  fashion designer she also suffered a  brutal death  scientists discovered a significant head  injury that may have killed her it seems  that sometime during the 10th century  deep in the altai mountains of mongolia  the seamstress was hit in the skull with  something and then buried she may have  fallen down and hit her head on a rock  or somebody might have bludgeoned her to  death and then tried to steal her wares  there's no way of knowing for sure what  we do know is that she was such a valued  member of society that when her corpse  was found she was given an extremely  elaborate burial.

Number 3.

North york skeletons  a collection of human skeletons found  inside the dark and spooky caves of the  north york moors in the united kingdom  were likely the victims of an obscure  ritual sacrifice more than 2 000 years  ago  these human remains were first found in  the early 19th century with major  excavations taking place in the 1950s at  the time researchers knew the skeletons  had experienced some sort of serious  trauma however it wasn't until recently  that a more detailed investigation was  able to get done at which point  scientists realized one of the dead  people had been scalped and all of them  had experienced significant trauma the  caves in north york were occupied  beginning about 4 500 years ago with  humans finally moving out of the cave  sometime after the roman occupation of  britain in the 5th century a.d  we really did love living in our caves  the skeletons in terms of their injuries  have been pretty badly mutilated  researchers discovered trauma in the  jawbone of one skull suggesting he had  been bashed with a sharp instrument in  fact signs of violence were found on all  the skeletons cut marks along the top of  the cranium suggest scalping however  this kind of thing wasn't that popular  in britain and so it left archaeologists  a little shaken and surprised because  they don't know why the people were  sacrificed or who would even have done  such a thing  except maybe a group of witches.

Number 2.

Bone tools scientists have discovered  proof that a pre-aztec civilization in  mexico used the bones of their dead  relatives to fashion all kinds of  everyday items from buttons to combs  spatulas and even everyday utensils  five thousand bone fragments were taken  from beneath the ancient city of  teotihuacan near mexico city and  analyzed these were mostly femors shin  bones and human skulls a large majority  of them had been turned into household  items the people who lived at  teotihuacan before the aztecs ever  occupied the city removed the flesh and  muscles from the bones using stone  knives they did this as quickly after  death as possible as the body needed to  be fresh so that the bones were still  strong  this civilization who lived in  teotihuacan between 100 bc and 650 a.d  also practiced human sacrifice of course  they had no fear of death even burying  their own loved ones underneath the  foundations of their houses after  cutting them apart and turning their  bones into things like knives forks and  spoons.

Number 1. 

Ancient bear skull a rather  spooky bear skull dated to be 35 000  years old may just be the first solid  evidence of humans hunting down cave  bears and eating them the giant skull  was found during a siberian cave  excavation by russian paleontologists  when they examined the bears skull they  identified a small hole at the back that  they say may have been the result of a  spear an early human from the  place-to-scene era may have snuck up and  stabbed the bear in the head while it  was asleep this makes sense too seeing  as stealth would really be the only way  an ancient human could take down a  monstrous cave bear probably while it  was hibernating cave bears are extinct  now but used to live in the caverns and  caves of northern eurasia some  scientists say they were hunted to  extinction over a period of about 5 000  years by the earliest homo sapien  hunters who moved into the region this  was a pretty scary time in history with  humans living in dark damp caves and  needing to ambush bears as they slept  just to survive but the hole in the bare  skull could also be proof of something a  little darker than just survival  according to the smithsonian the hole in  the skull may have been made after the  bear was already dead so that the cave  people could use the beast's head in  some type of cave ritual thanks for  watching which of these creepy  discoveries did you like the most let me  know in the comments below and remember  to subscribe if you haven't already see  you soon bye