These 3,300-Year-Old Golden Artifacts Belonged To the Great King Tut Himself!

Number 11. king tut's sandals

Sandals  and flip-flops are a pretty common type  of shoe these days but it turns out they  have been around for thousands of years  and haven't even changed that much but  where did they come from it seems like  almost back to the dawn of humanity  their history dates at least as far back  as ancient egypt but probably even  further believe it or not king tut  himself wore thong sandals there have  even been extensive studies on his 3  300 year old footwear king tut sandals  were made from various materials  including gold vegetable fiber birch  bark glass leather gemstones and glazed  ceramic the young ruler had a club foot  and lacked a middle toe bone on his  right foot so he needed some special  custom fancy sandals he was buried with  at least 80 pairs of shoes of different  sizes rivaling some of your closets i'm  sure  some were falling apart while others  were found in great condition many of  the shoes were stuffed in the middle of  the sole to provide the ailing king with  extra comfort experts identified several  features that were not found in other  ancient footwear including the shoes  found in the tomb of king tut's  grandparents yuya and juju these  features include horizontal straps just  below the toes and semi-circular panels  on the insides of the shoes  the question is did he wear his sandals  with socks i'm guessing not so the next  time you slip on your sandals to run to  your mailbox or go grocery shopping  remember that you are continuing a long  held tradition  

Number 10. 

Bronze age horde  while excavating at an ancient fortified  settlement in central france last year  archaeologists unearthed bronze age  pottery packed to the brim with hundreds  of pieces of jewelry and other artifacts  they believed that the pots were buried  around 800 bc nearly 3 000 years ago two  vessels were filled with women and  children's jewelry including bracelets  anglets and pendants another pot  contained tools and weapons while yet  another one consisted of chariot  decorations riding equipment and wheel  parts a bronze axe was placed on top of  each vessel researcher pierre eve milson  said that the items could be offerings  to the gods that were left at either the  founding of the settlement or when it  was abandoned similar to ancient greek  traditions he described the  well-preserved artifacts as exceptional  and explained that these objects will  help experts better understand their  purpose and why they were buried but  more digging and studying are necessary  to truly get to the bottom of this  fascinating mystery.

Number 09.

Looted  coins  the israel antiquities authority has  recently recovered hundreds of ancient  coins that were looted from  archaeological sites according to the  jerusalem post agents from the iaa's  robbery prevention unit found the horde  while raiding a suspect's home in the  city of bene brock the artifacts include  gold byzantine and islamic coins  hundreds of roman coins and dozens of  hasmonian coins you've probably heard of  the other ones but the hasmonean dynasty  lasted about 80 years and is referred to  by some scholars as an independent  kingdom of israel until they were  conquered by the roman republic and the  ruling family was replaced by herod the  great iaa trading national inspector  ilan haddad told the news outlet that  the suspect worked as an illegal  antiquities dealer trading in both legal  and illegal artifacts including items  that were smuggled in from other  countries there are a lot of grey areas  when it comes to dealing with  archaeological artifacts haddad pointed  out that looting causes irreversible  damage to archaeological sites and  artifacts by taking them out of context  as a result valuable information and  stories are lost forever to history  looting is a major problem in israel and  archaeologists are racing against the  clock to excavate important sites before  they are destroyed by thieves and  artifacts are stolen and spread all over  the world the iaa is especially focused  on the caves near the dead sea where the  dead sea scrolls were found criminals  have targeted the site for decades and  at this point the agency needs to  collect what it can before more  artifacts disappear  

Number 08. 

massive mammoth thigh bone  while scuba diving in the peace river  near acadia florida in early may friends  derek demeter and henry sadler  discovered a huge thigh bone belonging  to a 22 000 pound mammoth the four foot  long 50 pound femor likely dates back to  sometime between two and a half million  and ten thousand years ago demeter who's  the planetarium director at seminole  state university told the news that the  bone is probably around 100 000 years  old based on its density the suspected  species the colombian mammoth lived as  far south as modern-day costa rica  recent research indicates that this  behemoth creature was a hybrid between  the woolly mammoth and a yet  unidentified mammoth lineage that  originated in russia and arrived in  north america around one and a half  million years ago the bone is  impressively intact owing to the many  years it spent buried in the sand it's  making a nice addition to the classroom  of demeter's friend a middle school  teacher he donated the artifact to that  same day the pair also discovered the  partial remains of a saber-toothed tiger  and an ancient shark  discoveries like these are what motivate  the duo to continue diving throughout  southwest florida you just never know  what you might find 

Number 07.

Nazi horde  while renovating his aunt's home in  hagen germany recently a man named  sebastian yurtsevin found a collection  of nazi artifacts hidden in a wall the  house was damaged when the nearby volmay  river overflowed and caused catastrophic  flooding yurt 7 removed a loose piece of  plasterboard and discovered a newspaper  from 1945.  he then found Nazi-era gas masks, a  revolver, a photo of Hitler, and an array of documents. The home once served as the headquarters for the national socialist people's welfare organization or the nsv. This branch of the nazi party evacuated children to rural areas and distributed food and gas masks. It also had a  clothing donation program and provided medical care, including exams and vaccinations; by 1943, the nsv had an estimated 17 million members, according to Hagen city archives manager ralph blank, who spoke with French media outlet  news24 historians believe that someone hastily hid the trove as Americans advanced on the city in April of 1945.  some documents state as far back as  1928. there are very few sources on the nsv, making the discovery especially useful for learning about its inner workings. The organization was dissolved after Germany's defeat under a  policy called law number 2 that was issued by the allies yurt seven's family bought the house during the 1960s and did not know about the building's past affiliation with the nazi party staff from the Hagen city archives took the artifacts for further study and planned to exhibit them in a local museum would you care if you found a hidden cache like this in your house would you stay or would you sell it let me know in the comments below

Number 06.

Neanderthal weapon during the upper paleolithic period better known as the late stone age neanderthals lived in a cave and left behind a treasure trove of artifacts archaeologists have discovered many artifacts since excavations began in  1870. early digs yielded cave bear  reindeer mammoth and horse remains as  well as stone age tools  later explorations of the site found  bone and ivory flutes dating back at  least 35 000 years along with  prehistoric artwork featuring an ivory  bird a human lion hybrid and one of the  earliest known representations of a  phallus the cave is called hull fells  and can be found in germany's swabi and  jura mountain range earlier this year  archaeologists found a three-inch-long  leaf point that was once mounted to a  wooden hunting sphere dating back an  estimated 65 000 years it's older than  similar artifacts that have been found  at the site the weapon also predates the  last cultural phase of neanderthals in  europe this is the first time a leaf  point has been found at the site since  1936 it appears as though someone  damaged the leaf point while sharpening  it then threw the object away  discoveries like this defy the popular  stereotype that our neanderthal cousins  were not very smart and that they lacked  culture and creativity this is just not  true artifacts like this show that the  neanderthals were as skilled and complex  as early humans were 

Number 05. 

Clovis  campsite  it would have been hard if not nearly  impossible to settle in what is now  michigan during the last ice age at the  time the region was covered in glaciers  up to a mile high but archaeologists  recently identified a 13 000 year old  campsite left behind by the clovis  people in the southwestern part of the  state the clovis people were some of  north america's earliest inhabitants and  are named after the distinctively shaped  spear points they used back in 2008 a  self-taught researcher named thomas  talbot found a clovis spear point at the  belson archaeological site he assumed it  was a one-off discovery but he soon  began finding more spear points and  realized that he had stumbled upon an  entire clovis settlement a small group  perhaps six or seven people stayed at  the site for a short time they briefly  settled in the only part of michigan  that wasn't covered in a wall of ice  it's possible that they were seasonal  hunters who temporarily branched off  from their main group according to  researcher brendan nash who wrote a  paper on the findings archaeologists  excavated the belson site last year and  found more tools as well as stone flakes  indicating that people made tools while  they were there experts believe that the  campsite may be the earliest  archaeological site in michigan it's  also the northwestern most clovis  settlement in the great lakes region and  it could potentially rewrite the area's  history  nash told the university of michigan  news that until now researchers thought  that the peopling process of the great  lakes happened much later now they have  concrete evidence that this wasn't the  case  

Number 04. 

The amber man  around 3 400 bc a man's body was painted  with red ochre and laid to rest with 140  pieces of amber jewelry in what is now  russia archaeologists recently  discovered the shallow burial on the  western shore of lake onega which is  europe's second largest lake the  artifacts include amber buttons that  were sewn face down into a leather cover  that was draped over the man's body  nicknamed the amber man he was  surrounded by two layers of amber  decorations it's the first time these  objects have been found outside the  eastern baltic region in addition to the  amber artifacts the team found flint  tools and chips right next to the site  archaeologists found workshops for  making axes and other tools they are  currently investigating these ancient  production facilities to see if they are  linked to the amber man researchers  think that he may have been a trader  from the eastern baltic region which  would explain how the amber artifacts  ended up so far from where they were  made it's possible that he traveled to  lake onega to trade amber in exchange  for axes reflecting a possible trading  link between the eastern baltic in the  corralia peoples  

Number 03.


Prehistoric fake beads  in today's world we value real precious  metals gems and other materials over  fakes even if the imitation rock looks  real especially if you can afford the  real thing but it looks like since the  beginning of time there have always been  copies and imitations and scam artists  trying to trick everyone the ancients  weren't much different in 2019  archaeologists found phony amber jewelry  dating back to the second and third  millennium bc  this means that the practice of hawking  fake jewelry dates back around 5000  years to neolithic times a chemical  analysis focused on six prehistoric  beads that appeared to be amber two were  from a cave near seville spain and four  were from a burial near barcelona all  were determined to be fake these  imitations were made from similar  looking translucent minerals or by  applying coatings to make the fake  object look like amber some were crafted  from the core of a mollusk shell and  coated in tree resin while the others  were seeds covered in tree resin  these fakes aren't surprising  considering how valuable amber was to  many civilizations including prehistoric  iberia it was both rare and expensive  and was a symbol of someone's  high-ranking social status  archaeologists made it clear that the  faux amber artifacts don't count toward  the 647 genuine iberian amber objects  that have been found 

Number 02. 

Charred  flower bouquets the ancient urban  metropolis of teotihuacan was built near  what is now mexico city before the  aztecs came to power around 2000 years  ago the people who lived there put  together a collection of flower bouquets  laid some wood on top of them and set  the pile on fire archaeologists recently  discovered the surprisingly intact  remains of the burnt flowers in a tunnel  beneath one of the city's pyramids they  were found 59 feet below ground in the  deepest part of the labyrinth alongside  several pottery pieces and a sculpture  depicting the rain and fertility god  tlaluc the tunnel was discovered in  2003. thousands of artifacts have been  on earth since then including sculptures  pottery cocoa beans obsidian objects and  more  excavation leader sergio gomes chavez is  an archaeologist with mexico's national  institute of anthropology and history he  told life science that the bouquets were  probably used in rituals that perhaps  had something to do with fertility the  number of flowers in each bouquet varies  it appears as though the wood stacked on  top of the bouquets somewhat protected  them from the fire the team's next step  is to identify the flower species in  hopes of determining exactly what the  bouquets were used for and why they are  also trying to understand why the  ancient residents of teotihuacan built  the tunnel and what its purpose was!  

Number 01.  .

Rare treasure horde while excavating a  previously unexplored part of an ancient  settlement in russia's suzdal apollia  region archaeologists unearthed a  collection of women's jewelry they were  tipped off to its presence by jewelry  fragments that had surfaced due to  farming it's the first jewelry from the  volga finnish culture that's been traced  to the first millennium a.d during  what's known as the great nation's  migration the collection includes  ornaments for a traditional woman's  costume three beaded bracelets an  imported metal bowl and over 300 beads  that were probably sewn onto a piece of  clothing that disintegrated over time  there were also six cast hollow duck  pendants connected by a leather cord  which are characteristic of pheno u-grid  cultures they were buried inside a box  made of birch bark but nobody knows why  someone hid the treasures the metal bowl  that was recovered from the site appears  to be older than the other artifacts and  may be an import from the middle east  the discovery is important for helping  researchers learn more about the region  during a historical period that has been  studied very little the area is  considered integral to ancient russian  civilization but experts are still  trying to figure out how these cultures  developed thanks for watching if you'd  like to learn more about ancient  civilizations and strange mysterious  artifacts be sure to subscribe if you  haven't already and i'll see you in the  next video bye

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