10 Rare Animal Species You Should Know About

 10. Dumbo octopus

The dumbo octopus is known as the World’s Cutest Octopus! As part of the Grimpoteuthis family, they are famous for the big fins on their head that look like huge ears! They use them to propel through the water and steer their way through water currents. Hence the name dumbo octopus, because it seems like they can fly! There are some 13 recognized species of dumbo octopus, and they vary widely in size, mostly around 8 inches (20 cm), but one was spotted that was almost 6 feet long! ( 1.8 meters).

9. Babirusa

Swine aficionados, rejoice because the babirusa is one of the most interesting and iconic pigs in the entire world! When you look at these pigs, you’ll understand why so many people love them and are fascinated by them. They have a distinctive, almost prehistoric look, and their giant tusks extend out from the bottom of their mouths and curve up into the air. 

8. Flying squid

Of course, we’ve heard of the giant squid by now, but have you heard of the flying squid? It might sound like something straight out of science fiction, but there are some species of squid out there in the world which are capable of flying above the water! This shows how much we have left to understand the earth’s oceans and the animals that live under the sea.

7. Markhor

The markhor might be the most impressive and majestic goat on the planet. They’re often referred to as the ‘screw-horned goat’ because, well, their horns look like giant corkscrews attached to the top of their heads. Looking at some of the most impressive examples, you’d think that this goat could unscrew a pretty big bottle of wine if given the opportunity. They can be found in central Asia and the western Himalayas. 

6. Royal flycatcher

The royal flycatcher can often look like an average bird, but occasionally, its true colors shine. Hidden on top of its head is a hammerhead crest which the royal flycatcher sometimes raises to reveal a beautiful display of colorful plumage. For example, this one releases its hammerhead crest to show the beautiful orange-colored feathers adorned with polka dots and bordered by white spikes.

5. Geoducks

With a name like geoducks (pronounced ‘gooey duck’), it has to be good. It’s spelled like geo-duck but pronounced gooey-duck. When you first lay your eyes on the creatures, you might be confused. Is this some sea snail? Or maybe a new instrument I haven’t heard about? The geoduck is a giant clam that people say is one of the most delicious mollusks ever. 

4. Fossa

The fossa is one of those rare animals that only live in Madagascar, making it unique and endangered. It’s very closely related to the mongoose, but it’s perhaps less well-known than its famous cousin. But that should change because the fossa has a lot of intriguing characteristics that other animals don’t have; moreover, it doesn’t have a lot in common with the mongoose. At first glance, it looks more like a weird cat than anything else!


3. Darwin bark spider

Darwin’s bark spiders haven’t been known to us for very long; scientists only announced their discovery in 2009. But since they came onto the scene, they’ve shocked everyone who learns about them with their incredible features. For one thing, they’re well known to produce the giant orb web of any spider on the planet; it can get up to 4,340 square inches big! Can you imagine running into one of these?

2. Dolores The Bear

When you first feast your eyes upon Dolores, you might be unsure what to make of her. Is it a new breed of dog? Is it a sick coyote? Or… maybe it’s a giant rat? Well, I’ve got you covered. Dolores is a bear that doesn’t have hair on her body! Strangely enough, Dolores is a hairless bear that lives at the  Leipzig Zoo. 

1. Axolotl

Axolotls are adorable little water salamanders with a ton of exciting features. For one thing, they hold onto a lot of the characteristics they have when they’re young. This is called neoteny, and it enables them to maintain their dorsal fin, which many similar animals let go of at birth. They also keep their odd gills on the outside of their bodies, which have a feathery texture.

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